

The “Higher Education” Trade Union PODKREPA CL was established on 21st June 2016 with the main purpose to be protected the rights and social benefits of people, working at higher education institutions and universities.

Main purpose and main object of the “Higher Education” Trade Union PODKREPA CL are to: 

  • Protect rights, dignity, professional and social interests of the members of the trade union, who work at higher education institutions or universities.
  • Protect health, material, public and cultural interests of the members of the trade union and their relatives.
  • Fight discrimination against racial, national, ethical and religious background.
  • Influence the state economic and social policy for development of the material status and fair distribution of the GDP, based on the social partnership principles.

“HIGHER EDUCATION” TRADE UNION is a full member of PODKREPA CL and participates in the tripartite dialogue in тhe Republic of Bulgaria.